Seminar On National Education Policy

In the quest for modern knowledge and a pioneer in the field of education, Iqra Public school organized a programme of National Education Policy on School Education on 26 October, 2019Â in which the Chief Guest Professor. S. K. Singh former Vice Chancellor H. N. B. Garhwal University gave his inaugural speech, in which he covered many aspects of National Education Policy, in which he gave his opinion and abreast the audience about the pros and cons of the new policy, he also gave his words on the feasibility of the policy and its outcome.
While, An iconic Professor V. K. Tripathi, former Professor IIT, New Delhi, with his wide and in-depth knowledge of educational issues related to the underprivileged segment of society, with particular focus on the country’s tribal population, which gave a very rare insight which gave a direction for educating the underprivileged. He also stressed on the difficulties of women education and also gave note on the rectification of policies, he painted a very true picture of the ground realities that are faced by girls in their endeavour to get to higher education and to suitable jobs.
Professor Parvin Sinclair, former director NCERT. New Delhi, very assertively gave her points on the pedagogy and curriculum, she said that the key and overall thrust of curriculum and pedagogy reform across all stages will be to move the education system towards real understanding and learning how to learn – and away from the culture of rote learning present today. The goal will be to create holistic and complete individuals equipped with key 21st century skills. All aspects of curriculum and pedagogy will be reoriented and revamped in order to attain these critical goals.
An eminent Professor M. Akhtar Siddiqui, former Chairman NCTE. New Delhi, gave a very detailed lecture on School Environment and Culture in which he also covered the quality of education that is prevalent in different schools, he also rendered his opinion about the modern education and its flaws.
Professor Nasrin, Chairperson Dept. of Education. A. M. U. Aligarh, said that the entire school education curriculum will be reoriented to develop holistic learners and develop in learner’s higher order skills of critical thinking, creativity, logical deduction, collaboration/ teamwork, social responsibility, multilingualism, quantitative reasoning, and digital literacy. Learning will thus move away from rote memorisation; if and when rote learning is used, it will always be pre-accompanied by context and motivation, and post-accompanied by analysis, discussion, and application.
Some eminent Professors who were present and actively participated in the seminar, are Professor Nabi Ahmad, Professor Mohd Muzammil, Professor Aftab Alam, Dr. Salma Shaheen, Professor Asmer Beg, Professor M. Khalid Azam, Professor Parvez Talib, Professoor. M amanullah Khan. Also all the prominent members of Iqra Educational Foundation, Principals of ten renowned schools and the teachers were also present. Â
Lastly the Iqra Educational Foundation express its deepest gratitude to each of the guests and the organizers of the seminar and the vote of thanks was given by Professor Adeeb Alam Khan.
Orientation Programme

Iqra Public School had organised a four day orientation Programme (24th June 19 – 27th June’19) for Iqra Teachers. The Chief Guest was Prof. Valeed A. Ansari, Dean of Faculty of Management and Research, AMU, Aligarh in school auditorium. The Orientation Programme started with Ms. Lubna Khaliquee, Principal welcome the Inaugral session and Guest speaker. Prof. Nabi Ahmad, member of IEF, discuss the Challenges of Quality Education at School level. His ideas were quite interesting and motivating.
Mr. Mohd Haris Bin Mansoor, Research Scholar,Dept. of English, AMU, Aligarh and Mr. Mohd Waheed Khan, Research Scholar, Dept. of English, AMU, Aligarh, discuss the Quranic Guidance on Tolerance & Peaceful co-existence and  Quranic Guidance Directing Good and Preventing evils. Dr. M. Abid Siddiqui, Dept of Education, AMU, Aligarh elaborate the need of guidance and counselling to the students at the present senario and role of a teacher in providing Guidance and counselling to students. Ms. Lubna Khalique, Principal, IPS, presented CBSE directives. She discuss various incentives for the benefits of students. Dr. Salman Shah, Dept. of community medicine, AMU, Aligarh, discuss the need of health Education to the students. Prof. Mohammad Parvez, Dept. of Education, AMU, Aligarh discuss the essential teaching skills for Quality teaching. He also presented strategies to deal with students. Prof. Gunjan Dubey, Dept of Eduacation, AMU, Aligarh, presented the strategies for motivating the students in classroom. Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi, President IEF,AMU, Aligarh, taught us about the role of an ideal teacher. Prof S. Asmar Beg, Dept of political Science presented his topic of human values. Each topic presented by different resource persons were quite informative and beneficial for providing quality education to the students.On 27th June there was a veledictory session of Orientation Programme. Certificates were distributed to the delegates as well as the speakers. Prof. Mukhtar Ahmad Ex. President & IEF thanks to the resource person and again emphasized on inculcating moral values among students. At last Secretary IEF, Prof. Amanullah Khan presented the vote of thanks and given one line message to the masses “One should have honest approach at every stake of life.
Teacher's Training Programme on Classroom Management
A teacher’s training programme had organised in Iqra Public School on 3rd November’18 in school auditorium. The main focus was to manage the classroom to make best teaching-learning process. The resource person ‘Ms. Rashmi Chari’ shared her knowledge and experience with us to cope up with the classroom challenges, she also suggested different method for dealing with the classroom problem like brain storming, regain attention. She had conducted activities for the teachers in a way to understand the students behaviour.
Capacity Building Programme On Life Skills

A Capacity Building Programme on life skills was organised by CBSE, COE Allahbad. There were two spokesperson namely Ms. Deepti Sharma and Ms. Gurpreet Singh who lead the event with their resourceful guidelines. There was an introduction activity where each and every teacher took active participation. Different activities were performed to understand the exact meaning of life skills, vocational skills and livelihood skills. The spokeperson enhanced life skills through stories and with power point presentation. After Post Lunch session we had another activity where the teachers have to learn the types of Life skills and how to integrate life skills with other subjects. The activity included familiarization with the lifeskills through medium like debate, drama, brain storm, music etc. The programme also had a assessment of life skill activity that examine the understanding of the teachers towards the topic ‘Life Skill’. There was ‘Open house’ session also. As if any teacher had queries can easily communicate with the resource person. The program was of great success as every teacher was enlighted with the knowledge and understanding related to life skills, vacational and livelihood skills.
Orientation Programme

Two days Orientation Programme was organised for the teachers of Iqra Public School on 27th Sept’17- 28th Sept’17 at School auditorium. The sessions comprises of different phenomenal and remarkable speakers, Details provided below.
1. Prof M. Saud Alam Qasmi, Deptt of Sunni Theology, AMU, Aligarh, discussed the topic ‘Education in Islamic Perspective’.
2. Prof Sajid Jamal, Deptt of Education, AMU, Aligarh, discussed the topic ‘Evaluation and Feedback for Enhancing Learning’
3. Dr M. Muqim from Deptt of Philosophy, AMU, Aligarh. Topic: ‘How to Enhance Cognitive Abilities’.
4. Dr Abid Siddiqui (Associate Prof, Deptt of Education, AMU, Aligarh) expressed his views on the topic ‘Adjustment and Motivational Strategies’.
5. Last but not the least Prof Nabi Ahmad (Deptt of Education, AMU, Aligarh) discussed ‘Teaching strategies for Comprehensive learning’.
It was a very resourceful and accomplished step to improve Teaching and Learning Process.
A Symposium was organised on Sir Syed Bi-centenary celebrations (Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and his Mission) on 19th April’17 at 11:00 am. Dr Vikram Singh, R.T.O, Aligarh graced the occasion as Chief Guest, Dr Rahat Abrar, Director, Urdu Academy, AMU was the Guest of Honour whereas Prof Shakeel Samdani co-ordinated the entire event.
A workshop was organized on 31st Oct’16. Members of Management, teachers from other reputed school as well as host school attended it. The topics of the workshop were “Effective teaching for quality Education” by Prof. Sajid Jamal (Dept of Education, AMU, Aligarh) and “Need of Guidance and Counseling at School level” by Dr. Mohd Abid Siddiqui (Dept of Education, AMU, Aligarh). Both the resource persons had delivered their topic effectively and in a concise manner. It was really a helpful hand for effective teaching in the present era where technology is developing day by day posing more challenges in front of every teacher.